In This 7 Part Video Course You Will Learn

Intro To The 7 Secrets – Welcome

It all begins here as Greg introduces you to this exclusive training.

This Ain’t The Stock Market – Video 1

Learn why the Forex market is incredibly lucrative and how anyone can be a part of it as long as you know 2 very important things – what to do and when to do it.

Let’s Go Whale Hunting – Video 2

Learn the distinction between dumb money & smart money. See how the smart money – the whales – take 99% of all money made on the Forex market and learn how you can swim with the big fish too!

Don’t Join The 90-90-90 Club – Video 3

Learn what you must know and can easily learn, that can place you in the 10% category and not the 90% of all traders that lose 90% of their money in just 90 days.

Massive Profits, Tiny Losses – Video 4

Learn a battle tested formula to ensure you stay in the game and profit by managing your risk to 1%. This is the most important video to watch, understanding the risk management formula, separates the professionals from the gamblers.

Wealth Hacks of Millionaire Traders – Video 5

Learn how to build your belief when I take you through a series of goal setting exercises to reprogram your mind for meteoric and lasting success.

Pulling the Trigger for Consistent Profits – Video 6

Learn how to make money when the Forex market is going up or down by understanding how to trade the market with Price Action.

MAP (Massive Action Plan) – Video 7

Learn how to create your own action plan tailored to your lifestyle and your goals to ensure you take this information and actively do something useful with it.