What Greg Will Cover In This Special One-Off Webcast …

  • Proven trading strategies you can set up for yourself (that come from over 25 years of real-life experience and not some regurgitated half-arsed book like some of my competitors do…)

  • Everything you need to know to get started in Forex (what to look for, and when to get in and get out, so that you can either implement it in your own trading straight away)

  • The platform I use that will allow you to save time AND automate most of the trading process (so trading can become a passive income and not another job on top of your job)

  • ​One uncomfortable truth you’re going to have to get used to (if you want to make it in the trading world that is)

  • Why I don’t call myself or any of my students traders but rather “Lifestyle Traders” (and it makes all the difference in the world)

And that’s only for starters.

I have trained over 300,000 people worldwide to trade the markets. But I started out as a beginner too! In this webinar I will share my journey and share the valuable lessons I’ve learnt along the way to becoming a profitable trader.

And It Has Nothing To Do With The Typical 20 Hours Of Work Trader Stereotype You May Be Into Right Now

In fact, during the webinar I will also show you:

Why the old mindset of thinking you’re going to get paid for doing more work is completely flawed (and show you a better way)

​How to figure out if you’re cut out for this (and what it will require from you if you want to succeed)

Unspoken reason why most “fancy-pantsy” trading apps are hurting your trades with their good looking charts

​Are you a gambler or a trader? (and why gamblers have no chance in hell of making money with Forex long term)

​Why FOMO trading is a recipe for disaster (making you enter a position in the worst time and getting out because of fear – and losing thousands along the way!)

​How to avoid the Trumps, Brexits and other crazy world events to wreck your portfolio (and future proof yourself!)

But before we go any further, please be warned:

There Is Nothing For Sale In This Webinar

This is not a long-format video sales letter.

There’s no product being offered at the end of it.

In fact, I may actively try you NOT to purchase anything from me, at all.

This webinar is about showing you a better way of doing things.

A better, smarter, quicker and more profitable way of trading.

Without spending long hours watching a screen.

Without sitting on your arse for 15 hours, biting your nails, trying to guesstimate when to buy or when to sell.

This webinar is about introducing you the exact same techniques that allowed me to have the life of my dreams…

Work side by side with the likes of Sir Richard Branson and Steve Wozniak…

Win innovation awards for trading software…

Being guest in every imaginable show to talk about trading…

And make more wealth than I’ll ever be able to spend.

This Webinar Is About Showing You The Smart Way To Trade Forex

But keep in mind, seats are limited.

And I honestly don’t know how long I’ll be offering it for.

So if you want to get any of the above, get in while there are still spots:


Click the button below to secure your spot:
* we will not spam, rent or sell your information *